The gist of it is that Mini-Stereo Serve-Ants and Elders are telepathically elevated to elite status by an invisible force field that chooses them because they're better than everyone around them...
Calebs Airplane
JoinedPosts by Calebs Airplane
Questions From Readers (w14, 11/15, p28): How are elders and ministerial servants appointed in each congregation?
by darkspilver inquestions from readers watchtower 2014, november 15, page 28-29: "how are elders and ministerial servants appointed in each congregation?".
that's all folks!.
dark spliver.
America's Most Wanted episode... Rick McLean
by stillconcerned inover a month ago, amw filmed several of rick mclean's victims who were victimized while he served in authority in a number of jw congregations in and around san diego, california.. .
mclean found victims thru his involvement in jw congregations, and kept many quiet for years by intimidation/ 'no one will believe you'.. .
the episode is 'in the can', and mclean, who fled when he learned he would be arrested, is on the can bet he is molesting some child presently; he is a lifetime molester.. .
Calebs Airplane
If they haven't found him yet, he's probably dead somewhere in the deep bush of Washington State...
If you thought Tony Moris the Third was extreme, wait till you hear this other GB member!
by Island Man in
Calebs Airplane
Herd has just dethroned Tony The Turd as the most moronic GB member in Watchtower history.
Here's PROOF that Charles Taze Russell Was NOT a Pennsylvania Freemason
by AndersonsInfo inno, charles taze russell was not a pennsylvania freemason!.
this is the answer i received in a letter: .
"after a search of our records, we determined that the three russell's were not members of our organization.
Calebs Airplane
Certain high-ranking Freemasons are required to be extremely discreet about their membership (to the public at large).
Jehovah's Witness cemetery trolls disrupt a Mothers grief
by Watchtower-Free injehovah's witness cemetery trolls disrupt a mothers grief .
by ray duckler.
Calebs Airplane
Most JWs could care less if their neighbors are reunited with their expired relatives or not. They're more interested in turning in an impressive Field Service Report which includes RVs and studies. And some JWs will shamelessly do whatever it takes to turn in good numbers... including crashing a cemetery...
Singing, dancing, etc at Int. Conv's, pushed by top leadership?
by WingCommander inover the past several months, we've seen a flood of youtube video's showing not just the advertising of the cities for the international conventions, but also of the "entertainment" happening at various convention halls and congregations.
examples would be the line-dancing, worldly music, dancing outside the conventions, etc.
many of us who grew up in this ultra-strict, thou-shalt-not cult are left with our jaws on the floor at this seemingly "worldly" display of showy, excessive, mainstream behaviour.. progress is happening.
Calebs Airplane
They are pathetically running out of membership retention ideas...
by BucketShopBill inhi everyone, this has been what i have waited for, fredrick mclean is up next on cnn's "most wanted" and "hunted show", so far two of their topics are dead!.
last sunday's "the hunt" blew his head off monday morning!
let's hope cnn get's jehovah witness fredrick mclean!
Calebs Airplane
JWs will just say: "He was never really one of us. He's not even an elder."
If you thought Tony Moris the Third was extreme, wait till you hear this other GB member!
by Island Man in
Update to Rio Rancho, NM Kingdom Hall
by Newly Enlightened in
Calebs Airplane
Regardless of how "LEGAL" it was for the Watchtower Real Estate Development Corporation to blatantly plop a structure directly in front of someone's house, it's still very much fucked up.
JWs getting "Footloose" at the Kingdom Hall
by AndDontCallMeShirley ini hope no one here get's injured when they see this and their jaw hits the floor:.
Calebs Airplane
Can they count time for these rehearsals?